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Thank you for choosing  AKKADIAN HEALTH for your comprehensive ADHD Assessment

Please understand that these questions are not intended in any way to diagnose ADHD. They are screening questions to help us understand your concerns.

Once you complete and submit this form, we will share your results and send you an ADHD Referral Guide to take to your GP...

  • STEP 1: Speak to your GP and ask for a referral to Akkadian Health

  • STEP 2: Submit your referral to Akkadian Health

  • STEP 3: Once your referral is received, we'll send you an SMS to book* your ADHD Assessment

  • STEP 4: You'll have two telehealth (video) appointments with us as part of your comprehensive ADHD assessment

*current booking wait times are around 2-3 weeks for your first appointment.

If you have any remaining questions or concerns, please visit our website ( to view our online FAQ, or contact Akkadian Health via

Symptom Screening

Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS)

ADHD shows up through a wide variety of symptoms and may look different for everyone.

Indicate how often you experience each listed statement below, where '0' means ' Never' and 4 means ' Very Often'.

Functional Assessment

Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS)

ADHD symptoms sometimes affect your ability to do certain day-to-day tasks.

For each item below, indicate how much your experience of your ADHD symptoms (for example: forgetfulness, procrastination, restlessness, lack of concentration and focus etc...) impair your ability to carry out each listed activity, where '0' means ' Not at all impaired' and 8 means ' Very Severely impacted'.

Thank you !

Your responses indicate that you may have ADHD.

A comprehensive assessment conducted by a registered Psychiatrist is the only way to establish a formal diagnosis.

Please complete your details below and Submit this form. We'll send you a personalised Referral Guide to take to your GP.

Thank you !

Your responses indicate that whilst it's unlikely that you have ADHD you may still benefit from a comprehensive assessment conducted by a registered Psychiatrist.

Please complete your details below and Submit this form. We'll send you a personalised Referral Guide to take with you to your GP.

Personal Details